“Determining the state of the human gastrointestinal tract using electropsychophysiology”

“Determining the state of the human gastrointestinal tract using electropsychophysiology”

Noviya Anna Aleksandrovna – GPhD in medical psychology and psychophysiology IUFS, Professor

Kuzmenko Olga Petrovna -GPhD in Medical Psychology and Psychophysiology IUFS, Professor

Abstract: The paper describes psychological and physiological interrelations in occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases, gives psychological and social reasons for their occurrence. Also electro-psychophysiological ways of their definition and recommendations for recovery of patients are shown.

Key words: health; diet; digestion, Electro-psychophysiology, OK System, diagnosis by O.P. Kuzmenko; resentment; psychophysiological relationships.

Digestion is the process of mechanical and chemical processing of food, breaking down complex nutrients from food into simpler ones, assimilating them and removing the undigested part of the food. The health of the physical body depends on digestion. That is why it is important to eat right.
There are different techniques – different healthy eating diets.
Every year a selection is made of the most optimal diets. Every year, 27 American experts evaluate several dozen diets.
There are universal diets (George Osawa, Katsuzo Nishi (adapted for Europeans by M.F. Gogulan), Herbert M. Shelton, Paul C. Bragg, etc.).
In the USSR Professor M.I.Pevzner developed the Medicinal Tables. This is a system of diets allocated to therapeutic tables based on diseases, and is a system of food that enhances the effect of complex treatment of a particular disease (for example, table No. 5 is prescribed for hepatitis).
There are recommendations of Russian researchers on proper nutrition, giving proven positive results (P.K. Ivanov, I.P. Neumyvakin, B.V. Bolotov, G.S. Shatalova, N.A. Semenova, etc.).
Most scientists believe that the more diverse the food, the more opportunities for the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to deliver all the necessary ingredients for body building. And, thanks to the work of the intestine, the right ingredients are selected in the small intestine and removed through the large intestine substances unnecessary to the body and those that may bring it harm.
There are people who eat once a day, getting all they need.
According to Ayurveda, one should consume a combination of flavours: salty, spicy, sweet, sour and bitter. Then all the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract will get the necessary ingredients for their normal functioning.
There are those who eat frequently and a little at a time (split meals).
There are those who eat strictly by the hour.
There are those who prefer a specific type of diet on a specific day of the week.
Some people abstain from eating for one, two or three days a week, so that the body has time to get rid of accumulated toxins. etc.
However, it is important to understand that not everyone has an ideal gastrointestinal tract. And depending on the presence of the disease, everyone needs an individual diet.

In 2003 researchers O.P.Kuzmenko and I.S.Maslennikov (Stanislav) introduced the concept of “Electro-psychophysiology”. A new science – Electro-psychophysiology – was created – the science of uniqueness of each personality, about properties and qualities of human organism. Electro-psychophysiology includes all psycho-physiological methods of human research by means of small doses of electric current (I.M. Sechenov, I.R. Tarkhanova, I.P. Pavlov, P.K. Anokhin, Sh. Fere, O.P. Kuzmenko, I.S. Maslennikov and others).

The main role in the creation of Electro-Psychophysiology was played by “Olga Kuzmenko’s System” (OK System) created by O.P. Kuzmenko and I.S. Maslennikov.
The OK System includes medical-social-psychological and Spiritual express-diagnostics, determination of the differences between normal physiology and pathology, identification of the propensity for specific diseases and electro-regulation. Also included in the OK System is Cosmetology (facial and spinal reconstruction and restoration of the function of all internal organs).
The OK System quickly reveals a person’s state of health and determines the psychological and Spiritual characteristics of the individual. Among other things, it allows you to see the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. And since the diet must be individual, it must be chosen according to the state of the body of a particular person. This is where the OC system comes in.
It is a well-known fact that 80% of diseases are of psychosomatic nature. And if a person has gastrointestinal diseases, using the OK System, you can quickly identify the psychological problems that contributed to the disease. Therefore, when choosing a diet for a patient, we take into account his or her complete psychophysiological state (physiology, pathology, psychology, Spirituality).

For example, a person has:
– Gastritis (P/C + E/C),means he believes he was born in a “poor” family in which his material needs (e.g.: toys, bicycle, etc.) were not met. This has contributed to his attachment to material possessions. He is too interested in getting what he wants (by any means necessary), following the motto – “The end justifies the means”.
– Duodenitis (P/C + IG/C) – for his own, inner reason, he thinks that the elder generation (parents, educators, teachers, etc.) is to blame for his problems.
– Colitis (P/C + GI/C) – he has complexes and fears since childhood.
– Dysbiosis (P/C + IG/C + GI/C) – his childhood fears hinder his full socialisation.
At the same time, often manifesting:
– Anger (TR/C + F/C) – the person provokes liver disease (hepatitis).
– Desire for revenge (TR/C + VB/C) – a person provokes cholecystitis, sclerosis, arthritis, tumours and stones.
– Situation aversion (P/C + MC/C + IG/C + TR/C + V/C) – a person contributes to stroke and gastrointestinal problems.
– Dysharmony (TR/C)- a person causes diabetes and even cancer.

Of particular interest are the causes of a condition such as Duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum).
The duodenum is the biochemical laboratory of the gastrointestinal tract. It is known to be the place where important processes of digestion and nutrient formation take place. Into the 12 fistulous intestine from the stomach, pancreas, liver, gall bladder arrive necessary ingredients for the sacrament of digestion. And from it there is the release of finished components to the small intestine, where the process of absorption of nutrients to build our body takes place. And from the small intestine the undigested remains of food, poisons and toxins from digestion are removed into the large intestine.
We surveyed 450 people with problems with the 12 finger gut. Each of them had emotions such as resentment, rejection of a traumatic situation, rejection of events in the World, and complaints about their fate. All these emotions disturb the normal physiology and functioning of the 12th bowel.
According to the psychophysiological part of the OK System, aversion to a situation that is traumatic to the psyche (IG/C), can then lead to disharmony (IG/C + TR/C) and anger (+F/C). This can provoke a desire for revenge (IG/C + TR/C + F/C + VB/C).
With little material means (IG/C + E/C), there are complaints about the world and one’s destiny.
It should be borne in mind that with aversion to the situation (IG/C) and the appearance of disharmony (+ TR/C), the perception of the world is distorted and preconditions for mental disorders appear (IG/C + TR/C + V/C).
From the patients’ medical history, psychological and social causes of GI disorders were identified:
– They received little love in childhood (P/C + C/C).
– The behaviour of adults was not a positive example for them (P/C + TR/C + F/C).
– Many (340 people) had received childhood and adolescent psychological traumas (unhappy love) (MC/C + C/C).
– They retained resentment against the person they loved (MC/C + IG/C).
– The majority (386 people) were completely socially inadequate (IG/C + GI/C).
– All (450 people) showed resentment at their “unhappy fate”, showed insecurity and had an aversion to what was happening in the world around them. (IG/C + TR/C + GI/C).

It is well known that the health of the future of mankind depends on the health of our children. Analyzing the socio-psychological causes of GI diseases in our patients, we again came back to the fact that it is necessary to establish mutual understanding, harmonious relationships and interactions in the family.
And along with physiological treatment it is necessary to carry out psychological correction, e.g.: advise patients to

– Learn to forgive (S/C -> S/B).
– To repay material and spiritual debts (E/C -> E/A).
– Fix their character (F/C -> F/AB).
– Eating right.
– Do sports, physical labor, dance, music therapy.
– To learn from the wiser (RP/C -> RP/A).
-To learn to create and give (E/C -> E/A).
– Going forward into the future without dwelling on your negative past (IG/C -> IG/A).