Experts from the IUHAC University Council – laboratory have completed a study of the innovative new-generation product Drug  CELL BALANCE and iCELL. The study recognises its efficacy and safety.

During the last few decades the interest in anti-aging medicine has increased dramatically all over the world – in fact, in all disasters, wars and natural cataclysms life expectancy of the planet’s population is growing and, respectively, the frequency of age-associated diseases is increasing.

It is known that any pathological condition of the body, any disease or any deviation from normal functioning is inevitably accompanied by acid-alkaline imbalance.

Such disturbances may develop as alkalosis or as acidosis. Alkalosis is characterised by a shift in the acid-base ratio, in which there is an increase in the absolute or relative amount of bases and a decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions. Acidosis, on the other hand, is an acid-base imbalance, in which blood acidity increases and pH falls below 7.35. It is known that any pathological condition of the body, any disease or any deviation from normal functioning is inevitably accompanied by acid-base imbalance.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of acidosis in the aging process. There are a number of theories of aging, and a special place among them is occupied by the oxidative stress theory. Oxidative stress is a decompensation of the body’s antioxidant system, in which cells are exposed to the damaging effects of free radicals and reactive oxygen species.

The recipe of the innovative Drugs CELL BALANCE and iCELL product includes structured water, molecular sodium, molecular hydrogen, molecular oxygen and zinc. Components contained in the developed preparation have a synergetic effect of useful properties, which is able to produce positive effects on processes occurring in the human body.

Hexagonal water (also called pi water, structured water) is a unique development which, like many invaluable human inventions, was not created on purpose. In 1964, Nagoya University professor Akihiro Yamashito studied the mechanism of plant blooms. He discovered that an aqueous environment containing very small amounts of iron salts (Fe2+ and Fe3+) is the most favourable for cellular metabolism. The iron salts contained in pi water are very effective in extremely small amounts, and promote the formation of small, easily penetrable clusters of water into the living cell.

Saturating the body with hexagonal (structured) water increases vitality, slows the aging process and prevents the development of dangerous diseases caused by dehydration and lack of nutrients in organ and tissue cells. As the total amount of water in the human body decreases with age, so does the water content in the body, which has a hexagonal structure.

The anti-aging effect of Drugs CELL BALANCE and iCELL is only one of a number of its therapeutic benefits. The product is active when applied in stabilisation programmes for pregnant women, recovery from severe therapeutic, infectious or surgical diseases, acute and chronic poisonings, as well as a means of choice for rehabilitation after COVID-19.

Using of Drug “CELL BALANCE” and “iCELL” provides a complex action on the body, improves efficiency, decreases manifestations of emotional and physical stress, balances the immune system. The drug can be used for all acute and chronic diseases. This is when ion channels often do not function properly or are even blocked by medication taken specifically to treat a particular disease.

“CELL BALANCE  and iCELL are also a very powerful antioxidant that enhances the efficacy of other drugs. Without being a “panacea”, the innovative Drug “CELL BALANCE” and iCELL should become an indispensable element in the treatment of a wide range of patients, an indispensable component of anti-aging programmes, rehabilitation programmes after severe (including COVID-19) diseases.

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 Produced by:

ELOX GmbH, Austria

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 Active ingredients: structured water, molecular sodium, molecular hydrogen, molecular oxygen and zinc.

 Dosage form:

Structured water based solution. Form, packaging:

Drug CELL BALANCE bottle 300 ml.

Pharmaco-therapeutic group:

Biologically active substances