INTERNATIONAL DISCOVERY PATENT No.16.006.07 – Discovery of spiritual protection in relation to digitally encoded secret information.

INTERNATIONAL DISCOVERY PATENT No.16.006.07 – Discovery of spiritual protection in relation to digitally encoded secret information.




DISCOVERY No. 16.006.07


to the discovery of spiritual protection in relation to digitally encoded secret information – INFORMATION SECURITY

Authors of Discovery: Prof. Izueitov Andrei, Grand PhD (RU)

Prof. Santhi Jayasekera, Grand PhD (FR)

Discovery of spiritual protection in relation to digitally encoded secret information. INFORMATION SECURITY


discovery of spiritual protection in relation to digitally encoded secret information.

Nomenclature code IUHAC 16.006

to the discovery of spiritual protection in relation to digitally encoded secret information.

         Recently there have been more and more cases of successful attacks of hackers (crackers) from different countries of the world on computers, which contain in the form of digital coding personal, essentially secret information about a certain person, which is not subject to open access to them. It is believed that such information is reliably protected in a computer by its combination-digital encryption. However, it is relatively easy for hackers to overcome the digitally encoded protection of classified information and use the personal information they receive from a computer about a person for their own deliberate purposes, often resorting to blackmail and speculation. No one gives a fundamental explanation of this phenomenon. It is merely an observation.

         The philosophy of interaction (PV) (“bialism”) gives its principal explanation. Let’s start with the terminology (the cipher, the code). A cipher is what and how many conventional signs make up the secret information, its composition. Code is what the secret information expressed by conventional sign (number) means and contains, its sense. The cipher and the code interact materially and spiritually and partially pass into each other. The cipher is coded, the code is encoded.

We will look at code and coding, in which the material and the spiritual are particularly closely intertwined, and the spiritual is particularly significant. Coding is the application of a code (digit) to the protection of secret information.

         Nowadays there is actually only one way of coding any kind of secret information with a number – combinatorial-digital coding. Secret information in a computer is encoded with a certain combination of digits chosen by a human. From the point of view of the “Philosophy of Interaction” this method is unilaterally limited, and in principle does not constitute an impenetrable protection against hackers.

         In the number, as an interaction of its inherent material (the sign) and spiritual (the meaning) beginnings, the material (the sign) clearly dominates, which, in principle, and in any form of its expression can be repeated and duplicated. Such is its nature. Modern computers are capable of revealing virtually any composition of any materially expressed digital combination. They are superfast and truly omnipotent in the enumeration and selection of various digit combinations proposed by man and materially expressed, thus revealing the secret information materially encoded by the digit in the computer, which is the interaction of the material and spiritual principles inherent in it. The material element dominates in its direct sense expression and perception. Thus, in principle, the material element is unable to reliably protect the secret data encoded in the computer, which is not subject to public access, from hackers.

Man is the interaction of material and spiritual principles, with the determining role of the spiritual element, which can be noticeably and significantly increased and activated in man by his inner spiritual-will effort.

         For the “Philosophy of interaction” the spiritual principle is an inner attitude (predisposition, readiness), inherent in all real phenomena, at macro- and microlevel, living and non-living, natural and man-made, and, first of all, man himself, existing outside and independent of his perception, direct and mediated and oriented on material expression. Each individual’s spirituality is unique.