Prof. Tatiana Bresso, Professor of “philosophy and psychology” of the Moscow State Engineering University

The report focuses on the transformation of negative emotions that affect the body destructively in a positive resource using techniques of psychotherapy. Using resource psychotherapy we get a real opportunity to retain and quickly change the negative emotions which suppress the human psyche for a long time and affect human health and to give the opportunity to change them to the positive. The benefits of psychotherapy techniques resource can be identified when working with different categories of people with disorders of emotional sphere.

We all experience emotions. They accompany us in different situations. The accelerated pace of life demand much to a person, the massive amounts of information, natural disasters, changes in the age-old foundations of family life provokes increasing stressors.
Modern psychology is actively developing in the direction to minimize the impact of stress on the human psyche. In response to an inquiry of the society a new direction such as resource psychology and psychotherapy are produced. Along with the different areas of psychotherapy, psychotherapy resources as carefully as possible influences on the human psyche transforming negative emotions into positive and allowing more broadly holistic, multi-faceted look at human nature. The deterioration of the environment (the envirnmental degradation), a high concentration of people in metropolitan areas are not conducive to harmonious human existence and generates a need for the identification and development of its resources.
The urgency of the resource method of therapy is that it fully replies for the social inquiry need to find ways to preserve the integrity, human health, to increase resistance to stress, adaptive capacity, mechanisms condominium with pathogenic emotions.
The author of the method and the idea of using internal human resources (instinct) in the psychotherapeutic process is a Doctor of Psychology, Professor Kovalenko NP
At present, the idea of psychotherapy is developed as a resource independent method with the original diagnostic methods, correction and rehabilitation, as a tool in dealing with crisis situations working with pregnant women and adolescents. Using the methods and techniques of resource psychotherapy can transform the psychosomatic complex of negative emotions into positive emotions in a short time.
Securing the experience gained from the use of methods of resource psychotherapy leads to the accumulation of emotions of joy, which in turn leads to a more harmonious existence in a state of tranquility, working capacity and health. This direction of therapeutic activity has been successfully used in clinical and private practice by the followers of the method (doctors, psychologists, social workers), but in order to increase efficiency the method probably requires further clarification of its principles, more detailed study of methods to be used in work with different contingent (not only pregnant women). This method is recommended for using in children’s and educational institutions with the child and clinical psychologists.
The person experiences negative emotions – it is a natural reaction to stimuli that are perceived negatively by this person. However, human life is impossible without them, in low doses they form experience resistance to stress, mobilize, increase defenses (for example, aggression) as well as pouring of cold water is a hardening of the body, eating food in acceptable doses is food for the organism. But what will happen if these doses are multiplied?
Anger, rage, indignation, envy in small amounts are natural and valid for the human psyche, but in large quantities, these feelings inhibit the nervous system, the person feels bad, not only emotionally but the physiology is being suffered too. We’re talking about psychosomatics gained traumatic experience, causing overvoltage, functional failure, dysfunction. In scientific literature it is defined as clamps, blocks voltage.
Resource approach proposes to consider the situation associated with trauma to the psyche, from a slightly different angle. It is known that in nature sticks with only one end never exist. If we try to projected this statement on the task, it can be assumed that at the other end of the destructive emotions there is something positive with the same amount of energy and experience emotions.
Any emotion is a manifestation of the internal energy of the body, which has no polarity. Our world is dual (that means the top and the the bottom, day and night, man and womann). Perhaps the assumption that the power of negative emotions experienced by a person is the power of the other emotions that a person could experience in the application of techniques of psychotherapy resource, which aims at transforming the emotions. For example, if a person is experiencing anger then it is likely that the power of anger can be taken in the polar emotions (happiness, acceptance). Resource psychotherapy allows very well to translate destructive emotion into creative one, transform anger into its opposite emotion.
Carroll Izard states in his work”Human Emotions” — “it is harmful and pointless to be angry … if there is a long accumulation of anger and irritation, while the dam collapses the effect is devastating,” [1].
Resource approach helps a person to feel the balance in the experience of certain emotions, helps to track the precise point at which negative emotion begins to oppress and lead to the destruction of not only the mind but also the human physiology. There may be an example which can show the impact of the resource of art therapy which very gently helps to translate negative into positive by using existing human capacity for creative expression. When using the technique of the art therapy a person represents that what he is concerned about,without appreciating his creative abilities. This makes it possible to use this technique when working with any contingent.
Keeping track of negative emotion, its brightness, physiological manifestations in the body filled with energy the resource psychotherapy techniques allow us to study this emotion and translate it into the opposite sound with almost the same intensity. This way the balance of psychic life is restored, the law of harmony which is essential for a person is approved. (2)
The human brain represents its own personality through the program of action sequences (the lower area premotor cortex), physical perceptions (lower parietal area of the cortex) and emotional sensations (anterior cingulate and amygdala) . While translating negative emotions into positive ones we activate the brain areas that are responsible for the feeling of pleasure, security, creativity we allow the mind to recover.
Based on the theory of Maslow, the concept of instincts of VI Garbuzov, the theory of psychic dominants of AA Ukhtomskii the resource approach assumes special vision begining mechanisms of adaptation, motivation and behavior of human activity takes instinctive sphere as a resource subconscious zone unlike other theoretical models.
Instinct in this case is a dynamic force of the deep consciousness that runs all kinds of psychosomatic life. This dynamic force is a basic resource that can be developed for each person in a special way, depending on the genetic patterns of the subconscious memory (superseded in the early stages of development), education and training strategies. This instinctive dynamic force we sometimes call human life force, which manifests itself as spiritual power, immunity, intelligence, creativity, and leadership. [5].
Resources are instincts given to us at birth, ie, potential abilities. It depends on a person if he can and wants to use them. Methods of resource psychotherapy enable people to understand and use their inner potential in life. (3)
Thus, to sum up, we can say that the identification of the dominant or passive instinct (resource) as innate ability or inability is an urgent task facing the resource psychotherapy. Initially instinct as a resource, as the innate ability to survive and adapt as the human species is laid in man, but it is activated differently in different people and sometimes it is even in a latent state. Any person can activate and maximally use it if the person is attentive to this area of his life with the help of a resource trainer, psychologist, psychotherapist as well as independently having mastered the art of psychotherapy resource.
Resource psychology reveals the unconscious abilities of a man most correctly touches the client’s painful topics, optimally quickly transforms negative emotions into positive which makes features such as:
1. SAVE EXIT from crisis situations;
2. The successful development of the personality;
3. The development of creative possibilities of pearson;
4. Social activity with preservation of mental resistance to stress;
5. Identify leadership qualities and using them maximaly.

The problem is that people sometimes do not even know their capabilities, do not use their personal, psychological resources in dealing with life’s challenges. Often a person is accustomed to the idea of the impossibility of living without stress, nervousness, inability to live in a healthy body and it is impossible to solve the problem himself. Productive use of its resources leads to a harmonious existence in society and with himself.

1. K. Izard Emotions cheloveka.- M .; Direct Media, 2008. – 954 p.
2. Kovalenko – Madzhuga NP Perinatal Psychology: medical and social problems. Psychoprophylaxis psycho-correction and women during pregnancy. – SPb .; Publishing house “Petropolis”, 2010. – 316 p.
3. Kovalenko NP Resource Training. – JV .; Petropolis, 2014. – 20 s.

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